The Hundredth


The little girl entered her classroom with just one wish in her little heart. “I really hope I can make a friend.” She quickly made a best friend. She was happy for a while. 



girlwithbookSoon, she saw that the kids who performed well academically were treated with a lot of love and respect by her teachers. She made her second wish. “I really hope I can be the topper in class.” That wish was granted sooner than she thought it would. She relished the taste of that success for a while.


As she grew older, she figured out that it was also important to have good grades in arts and drama to be popular in school. Now, she aspired to be popular by making her presence felt in that arts and drama class.  Her wish was granted instantly. She got a role in the school play and she was soon a popular girl in school, just as she wished.

Each college year, a new wish showed up and as soon as that was checked, came the next. The journey of life slowly became the journey from one wish to another. She grew up with a strong belief that a true wish is always granted.


After college, came the wish for a good job and then for a promotion. The next one was to be an independent consultant and then to be a really good independent consultant.

It kept growing so on and so forth.


This could be the story of any boy or girl that we know. It could be Me or You.

There are three things that fascinate me in this story:

  1. It is amazing to see how we constantly keep raising our bars. The moment we climb one mountain, we set our eye on the next and then the next. A lot of times, the journey of life is this journey from one mountain to another. The sum total of all the experiences and learnings that we have in between is what constitutes our life.

  2. The firm belief that the wish that we make will come true is something that keeps us going. That belief keeps us positive and composed during our journey.

  3. A wish works like a goal that we set for us to accomplish. When the girl wanted to find a friend, she made an effort to talk and be nice to people. When she wanted to do good academically, she put an effort to study. In short, having a wish ( or goal) gives a direction to all the effort that we are willing to put in.

hundredToday, while writing my hundredth post (hurrrayyyy… this is my hundredth post),  I can only look back to the time when I started my blog and wished for me to write atleast a hundred posts.
Today, I have raised my bars and have bigger goals. The fact that my wish has come true gives me the confidence to take on bigger goals. Because I know that my wish will come true, I am also willing to put in all the hard work required to accomplish my bigger goals.

It is a vicious circle and it is good to be in this positive vicious circle.

Here , I raise a toast to this blog which I call Deep As Thoughts because each person can be as deep or as shallow as his/her thoughts.
Each person can be as successful or not as his/her thoughts.
Each person can be as happy or not as his/her thoughts.

Your thoughts are your choice and I would say, “Choose It Deep.

Image Courtesy: Pixabay


  1. Congratulations on your 100th post. Your story reinforces my belief that motivation is the key to success. It is amazing what I can achieve if I am motivated, and doing what I am motivated to do is one of my keys to happy life. I know I will be happy if I too can achieve 100 posts some day.

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